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Once in 1972, Neil Young sang 'I've been a miner for a heart of gold.' He's getting old and I wonder if he's ever found it. And I wonder what it's like to find a heart of gold. If I were the miner for a heart of gold, I look forward to it reveals.

My husband had Neil Young's album 'Harvest' and when he first played it, the word of 'Heart of Gold' stuck in my head. I folded this origami model of the photo for Valentine's Day, with a dollar bill and the coin. Heart of Gold, ooops, Heart of Silver. Join me for your love to give. Saturday at 11 AM at Origami Air Art Studio.

Origami is like an independent or solitaire act of art when you are doing it alone. It creates its own world with no social aspect. I believe that's how it started centuries ago. But soon enough people found how fun it is to do it with others. It's so much fun that Origami spread out and passed down generations. Mother to daughter, brother to brother, you to me, me to you. Last Saturday at Origami Air - we folded Valentine's Day Heart Box together. People from all over the Sates, from Brooklyn, Boston, Gainesville and all the way from Bee Ridge (hehehe). Let's do it again!

Making Origami Love Box

March on Washington was led by 250,000 people. This massive protest for freedom and jobs was led by Dr.King. One man in the name of love (U2!).

Unity created the historical turning point. After this President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965.

About 10 years ago, a college hired me to perform for their Martin Luther King Jr celebration. I was puzzled - why me? When I saw their program, my show 'Japanese Storytelling' was listed in the middle of the African American dancers, musicians and speakers. The theater director said "one of the things Dr.King dreamed was multi-culture society, and our program desires performances from different cultures..." Dr.King continues to inspire us and I hope we are getting closer to multi-culture society and "live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

Origami is now a multi-culture passion and I want to show our Unity at Origami Air. And for the unity, we will fold Unit Origami that is made out of more than one piece, the Sonobe Unit. A simple 5 folds is the only folds you need. The rest is intuitive puzzle to enjoy, like Lego pieces to put together.



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